Thursday, 14 May 2015

It's good to be back!

Phewwww it's been so long! I can't believe that I am sitting here at MIDDAY with the time to write a blog post! After the craziness of the past few weeks at uni it is such a pleasure to have time to enjoy some posting. But do you know what? I'm a little nervous! I feel like I've lost my voice, my mojo - I mean I'm pretty sure it won't take me long to get back into the swing of things but it just feels a little odd and I'm finding myself panicking about what to write! So I thought I would quite simply pick up where we left off. I remember promising to follow up with posts and thinking "Come on Christina, if you make these promises you have to stick to them and is that gonna happen?" Well, it didn't did it, and for that I am very sorry but here I am and this time I won't break the promise. 

Sooo...accessorising your home right? I shared my thoughts on colour and let you in on the magic of discovering plants. So I think what I was going to say next is how to combine these things in your home. So like I have said in the past, I am very much a learner driver in this field, but I have picked up on a few golden rules on accessorising and creating displays that I am excited to share with you. I never used to put much thought into accessorising my home, but now I do I am totally hooked, swapping things up all the time keeps things exciting. 


1. GROUP IN ODD NUMBERS - so this age old trick runs right through design and is not only used within the home. Keep your cushions, candlesticks, vases and anything else you have on display in odd numbers, it's easier on the eye that way. 3 is often a good number but if you fancy making a little a little more impact go for 5 and really follow it through with the next few points!

2. VARY THE HEIGHT - again to keep things exciting and visually stimulating you need to lead the eye to different levels within a room or across a mantle. This could be as simple as grouping a flat book to give width, with a tall thin candle to give height, and something to fill the space in between. This trick should be applied within your rooms too. A standard lamp, a low shelf,artwork and mirrors hung at different heights will all add visual intrigue to your space.

3. UNITE YOUR GROUPS - you can group any accessories together. Anything! Thats all part of the fun. To reign it in though you could try popping them all on a lovely little silver tray or a pile of books. Not only does this make a nice little vignette but it grounds your accessories ensuring they don't end up looking like a pile of random things on your coffee table! (of course if 'lovely little silver' is not your cup of tea, go for chunky wood or distrained painterly - whatever you want.)

4. SPEAKING OF BOOKS - this has been a game changer for me, I used to hideaway my Jamie Oliver cookbooks, well not anymore. Making features of your cool books adds personality to your space. They also stop your decor feeling too uptight and contrived and make it feel magically inviting. 

5. GO UNEXPECTED - I am not as developed in this area as I'd like to be but throwing in the oddball accessory has the potential to up the anti in the cool stakes. This could be a quirky piece of art, something in a bold colour, or something from a completely different time era to the rest of your decor. By all means stick with your candlesticks and vases that you love, but too much of the same thing will make the space feel boring and predictable. Excite your guests and yourself by throwing in the unexpected. Not only will you gain cool status by doing this but it also unlocks the secret of really   loving the space you live in. If you don't try new things someday, you will end up living in the same four walls as you were 5 years ago - and that can't be exciting for anyone.

There are lots of hints and tips out there but I'm learning that these posts need to be realistic and not take over your whole evening. Take these and TRY them, what is the worst that can happen? Once you start, you'll be amazed at the thoughts you can't stop thinking. Head on over to LD pinterest page, I've created a board just for home accessories highlighting these little tricks.

P.s I gained my voice back pretty quickly really didn't I - never has been easy to shut me up!

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