Saturday, 18 April 2015

A positive mantra...

So here’s a thought, its Sunday morning, I'm up at the crack of dawn finding myself a little 'me time' (I've even managed to shut the dogs out - mainly because I spent at least half an hour hovering our wool sofa yesterday and don't plan on putting myself through that again any time soon!), sat here thinking why do we tend to over think things? I'm talking about everything, not just design but life in general. 

(Stay with me on this, it's a bit of a waffle-y post, but it's made me feel better just writing it!)

I had this conversation with two good friends yesterday, one of which was describing a scenario that put her smack bang in the middle of lacking spontaneity and preconceiving the day ahead, which she highlighted how in turn it effected her gorgeous weekend trip away (albeit not majorly, this party girl doesn't let much stand in her way of a good time!).

So this got me thinking, why do we overcomplicate EVERYTHING? As humans is it just in our nature to come up with an excuse not to do something, or to put something off til' a later date? If we want something so badly why not just go out and get it? Or do it? Or use it? Or WHATEVER.

What stands in our way? The answer, I reckon, is us. It's mainly ourselves and our self conscious creating barriers that don't even necessarily exist. Yeah thinks like money and resources obviously come in to it, but how does it go; 'where there's a will there's a way?!'
Honestly I think as reactive people sometimes we are scared of SUCCESS, just as much as FAILURE. 

After all success takes time, hard work, dedication. It means living up to the bill, and once you're there, maintaining that position. 

So any way, besides just getting this off my chest, I think what I'm trying to say is...

Surely life would be much richer, happier, more enjoyable and rewarding if we just GO OUT AND GET IT and stop worrying about things that COULD be a problem.

I can hear you saying, 'What on earth does this have to do with this girls design blog', which despite feeling that becoming an art student has given me the free pass to drink red wine and become all deep and artsy, I'm thinking this totally links to EVERYTHING going on in my life right now, and so there is some smidgen of possibility that it does to your life too?

So today I’m channelling a new mantra…

If you want that lovely looking cake on the counter go get it, stop worrying about how it will affect your plans for tea time, and ENJOY IT. 

Happy Sunday guys


P.S Ill post up a lighter, more design-y, picture-y post later today - just to compensate for this one!

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