Friday, 24 April 2015

TGI Friday...

Ahhhhhhhh, TGI Friday right?
Well I hope that's how you're feeling, but to be honest my weekend is going to be very much a weekend of work. I'm not complaining though as the light at the end of the tunnel is (kind of) near and it will be sooooo worth it in the end.

I'm loving using this blog as an escape from uni work and the routines of day to day life so I really hope you guys are enjoying it if even just a little too.

I thought I'd try a little theme for this weekends blogs, continuing from Wednesdays post about the little touches, it's a perfect time to chat home accessories.

This is probably one of the biggest littlest things I have learnt through reading up on decorating and DIY-ing; 
we all stop decorating too soon, FACT. 

We pour that much time and effort into choosing colour schemes and laboriously painting walls and woodwork that by the time it's all done we can't wait to get the sofas back in and slouch on down with a glass (or bottle in my case) of wine. It's time to reassess the stage we class as 'finished'. I am no stranger to this, our house is absolutely at this stage at the minute and it's driving me NUTS. It feels so boring and impersonal.

So basically what I'm saying is...
the more things in a room, the more stuff there is to look at and take in; and subsequently the more exciting the room becomes.
My style crush Abigail Ahern (along with may other interior gurus I am finding) is all about this idea, and I have found it to be completely true. Now when I walk into a room with bare walls and floors (my living room is quite the perfect example) I instantly scan it and think,

 'OK so that's it, fun OVER.'

Lets mix things up a little. Throw in some texture, some art hung in unexpected places (over the door perhaps), some personality and quirk.

Accessories can come however you'd like them to, it's your space after all. You should be longing to fill it with cool stuff that you (and your guests) never get sick of looking at. I'm talking lamps, rugs, cushions, throws, artwork, chairs, tables, flowers, photographs, candles, ornament, more lamps, more rugs. MORE STUFF!

 A biggie and the easiest thing is to fill a room with stuff that reflects you and your stories. That weird vase you picked up on holiday for example, get it back out of the cupboard! Then put it somewhere where you wouldn't expect to see it and watch the magic happen. 

I could ramble about this all night long but, besides a few insider hints and tips of arranging and styling (this post will follow!) , it really is dependent upon you and the style of your home. I'm going to show you a little example of how I'm muddling through this and kind of beginning to feel like I'm finding my way. Firstly we will talk colour with accessories, then posts will follow on arrangements.

So as is evident from the bedroom, hall and bathroom (the latter two are soon to be revealed!), I am well and truly crossing over to the dark side. I am fully embracing using dark colours on walls to create intrigue and cosy, grown up spaces. HOWEVER, despite my love for the lady, I cannot quite convince Craig (and admittedly myself wholly) to follow the wisdom of Abigail Ahern completely by painting the walls, ceilings and woodwork out in one colour - it's still a little scary.

So in order to make sure that the white ceilings and woodwork don't stand STARKERS against the darker colours, I am embracing white in the form of accessories and furnishings. You see, as I am learning, this draws the eye from the ONLY BIG THING in the room you've chosen to leave white, and helps to mellowly blend it in to the rest of the decor - are you following? (This stands true even if your walls are 'beige', the white ceiling will still stand out if it's the only white thing in the room.) So rather than it sticking out like a sore thumb, it is now completely in accordance with your well planned colour palette ;) I also find it gives a crisp edge to the darker colours rather than leaning towards too edgy.

Currently I'm going for mono. White, black, grey and of course a little metallic ( personally I love to mix up metallics. I see no wrong in pairing brass with aluminium or silver and gold) are my go to for accessories right now.

A little bonus here is because I have chosen to GO BOLD on the colour of the walls in my rooms, I can reign it in a little with the accessories. I am now finding myself accessorising rooms with similar palettes - yeah I hear what you're thinking, could be kind of boring, BUT at the same time makes it SO EASY to shop my own house when I get bored of seeing stuff in the same place. When I'm sick of seeing the white occasional table in the hall, I'll move it into the bedroom and use it as a bedside table. Clever no? This also gives a little continuity throughout the house.

Of course there is no right or wrong when it comes to colour, again it's your home, What I'm trying to say is 
I think it's something we so easily forget to do. Maybe if you can't bear the thought of abandoning your white walls ( god forbid - give me a month you will!), then add colour through your accessories. Stick to 2/3 different colours and go wild. Don't be afraid of pattern too. This is highly underestimated in the power to change stakes ( again by the old me ), as long as you don't let your colour palette get too out of control, try mixing up a few different patterns, it's all about creating interest. Although I reiterate, do watch your colours, we want interest not gaud. 

I'll leave you on a few pics of my growing accessory collection, which in the absence of an accessory I used to think only concerned old people, highlight how important they actually are. All will be revealed.

TGI Friday folks.
P.S when arranging your accessories, stick to grouping things in odd numbers. It's a little rule in design - much more appealing to the eye as my uni co star always reminds me.

P.P.S notice how bare the walls look, I NEED STUFF!!!

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